Moore North America, Inc.

Our national and global reach is extended by our affiliation with Moore North America, Inc. (MNA), a member of Moore Global Network Limited, an independent and global accountancy and business advisory association of CPA and financial services firms throughout the United States and the globe. MNA is a progressive accounting firm association based in the US, Canada, and Mexico. The 35 member firms, including over 120 offices in most major North American markets, are on the cutting edge of service offerings designed to meet the growing challenges they face. The firms in MNA have long been able to pool their industry or technical practice experience to serve their respective clients. This breadth of service offerings and experience enables MNA member firms to compete with the Big 4 and other large national firms.

Moore Global Network Limited

Moore Global Network Limited is an international association of independent firms in 113 countries and a client-focused professional community of more than 29,000 people. Moore is the 12th largest global network in the world, with member revenue in excess of $3.0 billion.


Holthouse Carlin & Van Trigt LLP is an independent member firm of Moore North America, Inc. (MNA), which is itself a regional member of Moore Global Network Limited (MGNL). All the firms associated with MNA and MGNL are independent entities, owned and managed in each location. Their membership in, or association with, MNA or MGNL should not be construed as constituting or implying any partnership between them.

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